Enumeration CurlPx

Object with constants for usage with the info PROXY_ERROR

CURLPX_OK becomes CurlPx.Ok

Enumeration Members

BadAddressType: 1
BadVersion: 2
Closed: 3
Gssapi: 4
GssapiPermsg: 5
GssapiProtection: 6
Identd: 7
IdentdDiffer: 8
LongHostname: 9
LongPasswd: 10
LongUser: 11
NoAuth: 12
Ok: 0
RecvAddress: 13
RecvAuth: 14
RecvConnect: 15
RecvReqack: 16
ReplyAddressTypeNotSupported: 17
ReplyCommandNotSupported: 18
ReplyConnectionRefused: 19
ReplyGeneralServerFailure: 20
ReplyHostUnreachable: 21
ReplyNetworkUnreachable: 22
ReplyNotAllowed: 23
ReplyTtlExpired: 24
ReplyUnassigned: 25
RequestFailed: 26
ResolveHost: 27
SendAuth: 28
SendConnect: 29
SendRequest: 30
UnknownFail: 31
UnknownMode: 32
UserRejected: 33